Episode 1

30 Mins

The Mask is Always Greener on the Other Side (1)

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Episode 2

30 Mins

The Mask is Always Greener on the Other Side (2)

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Episode 3

30 Mins

Baby's Wild Ride

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Episode 4

30 Mins

The Terrible Twos

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Episode 5

30 Mins

Sister Mask

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Episode 6

30 Mins

Shadow of a Skillit

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Episode 7

30 Mins

Bride of Pretorius

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Episode 8

30 Mins

Double Reverse

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Episode 9

30 Mins

Shrink Rap

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Episode 10

30 Mins

Mayor Mask

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Episode 11

30 Mins

Martian Mask

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Episode 12

30 Mins

How Much Is That Dog in the Tin Can?

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Episode 13

30 Mins

All Hallow's Eve

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Episode 14

30 Mins

Santa Mask

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Episode 15

30 Mins

Split Personality

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