Episode 1

26 Mins

Zeus and the Conquest of Power

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Episode 2

26 Mins

Zeus in Love

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Episode 3

26 Mins

Prometheus, The Rebel of Olympus

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Episode 4

26 Mins

Hades, A Reluctant King

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Episode 5

26 Mins

Athena, Armed Wisdom

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Episode 6

26 Mins

Apollo, Shadow and Light

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Episode 7

26 Mins

Aphrodite, Dictated by Desire

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Episode 8

26 Mins

Dionysus, An Outsider in the City

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Episode 9

26 Mins

Hermes, The Impenetrable Messenger

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Episode 10

26 Mins

Tartarus, The Damned of the Earth

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Episode 11

26 Mins

Psyche, Beauty and the Beast

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Episode 12

26 Mins

Perseus, The Look of Death

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Episode 13

26 Mins

Orpheus, A Hymn of Impossible Love

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Episode 14

26 Mins

Medea, Murderous Love

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Episode 15

26 Mins

Bellerophon, The Man Who Wanted to be a God

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Episode 16

26 Mins

Theseus, The Ravages of Oversight

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Episode 17

26 Mins

Dedalus and Icarus, A Shattered Dream

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Episode 18

26 Mins

Heracles, The Man Who Became a God

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Episode 19

26 Mins

Oedipus, The Riddle Solver

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Episode 20

26 Mins

Antigone, The Woman Who Said No

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