1. Death Threat and Racial Profiling?!/Check Bouncy House?
2. You Sound Like a Fool!/Gambling Getaway Gone Wrong!
3. The Fixer!/Motorcycle Regrets
4. Dangerous Drinking!
5. Bad Babysitter Barter/Matching Tattoo Fail!
6. Be Afraid ... Or Not!/DWI Disability Fail
7. Baby Daddy Bye Bye!/Haircutting Double-Talk?
8. 21st Birthday Party Down the Toilet!/Volvo Custody Fight
9. Eye Witness Wow!/Pack Your Bags ... Guilt Trip!
10. Car in Captivity/Speed Eviction?!
11. World's Greatest Landlord?!/Online Attorney Fraud?!
12. Double Baby Daddy Drama!/Go Bang Your Heads Against a Wall!
13. The Ever-Changing Dog-Attack Story/Fumigation Fence War!
14. Rottweiler Puppy Fail/Pro-Bono Publicist Scam?!
15. Icy Road Spin Scare!/Dune Buggy Bamboozle
16. Parking Insanity Caught on Tape!/Single Mom Mess
17. Rage Against the Door!/Convicted Felon Wants Guns Back
18. Disorderly Cousin Conduct?!/Show Me the Proof!
19. Cyclist in the Ped Crossing Smash!/Neighbor From Hell?!
20. Mechanic Crosses a Line?!/Unbelievable Car Deal!
21. Assault of the Landlord?!/Pedestrian Slam in a Parking Lot!
22. Co-Parenting BBQ Snafu!/Prized Tennis Shoes Feud!
23. Friendly Loan or Cry for Help?/White Noise Leads to Homelessness?!
24. Father Scams Inmate?!/Brother's Gift Backfires?!
25. Teen Lies to Police!/Rodent Disposal Fee Fight!
26. Stealing from the Disabled?!/Stalking and Harassment?!
27. Ex-Wife Gets the Pit Bull?/Mercedes Custody Battle
28. Pot-Bellied Pig Bite!/Two Bedrooms Too Small!
29. Arkansas Handyman Hustle?!/Mobile Homelessness?
30. Knife Fight Threat!/Meter Fraud?!
31. Retirement Payday Fail!/Teen Drives Into Wall!
32. Nervy Squatter Lawsuit?!/Well-Behaved Courtroom Dog
33. Thanksgiving Day Breakdown!/Sun Roof Strife!
34. Tree Huggers vs. Tree Choppers/Mistaken Trailer Identity?!
35. Wedding Carriage Ride Failure?!/Terrible Landlord or Miserable Tenant?!
36. Charity Golf Drama!/Who Let the Cat Out?
37. Teen's Savings Stolen by Mom?!/Double Surgery Beatdown!
38. Pool Man in Hot Water?!/Upside Down Truck Deal?!
39. The Picasso of Upholstery/Blue Book, Shmoo Book!
40. Illegal Entry and Photo Shoot?!/Malamute Mayhem!
41. Exotic Fish Payback!/Skateboarder Tragedy!
79. Lame Horse Trespassing?!/I'm Tired of Paying for Weed!
86. Debutante Dud?!; Cars Held Hostage?!
91. Social Security Fraud?!/Ex-Lovers Break It Down!
92. German Shepherd Breeding Fail?!/It's Mostly Nonsense!
93. When Ex-Mother-in-Laws Attack!/Love Triangle Disaster!/Metal Pipe Slam?!
94. Doggie Daycare Disaster!; Mouth of Pain!
95. Divorced and Angry!
96. Dad Left in the Dark?!/Victim Compensation Funeral?
97. Renter Hell!
98. Don't Fence Me In!/Sister, I Don't Believe You!/Mess or No Mess?!
99. Hair Salon Rip-Off!/Cousins Go Dutch on Rent?/Friends' Fallout!
100. The Danger of Dog Parks!/Study Abroad Misfire/Friends Don't Let Friends Borrow Money
181. Beer Pong Gone Wrong?!/Woman Attacked During Beauty Treatment?!
212. Section 8 Housing Upset?!; Junkyard or Legit Auto Business?
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