Episode 1
A '70s German H&K P7 pistol; a rare 1910 copper cash register.
Episode 2
1800s British Pepperbox handgun; pre WWI Lionel train set.
Episode 3
A depression era ``Art Case'' slot machine; a custom mini-bike; a Wild West 1800s Colt Peacemaker.
Episode 4
Ton and Allen stake out a high-end auction. They uncover a Maui Blue '70s Fender Stratocaster and a rare 1936 jet-inspired Schwinn, but will this rusty ride rake in the riches?
Episode 5
Clinton and Allen find a vintage Coke vending machine and a classic truck in their auction wins.
Episode 6
Muskets dating to the Civil War period and a polygraph machine are among the items Clinton and Allen find in storage units they win this week.
Episode 7
A rare baseball card, a classic jukebox and an early model CD player are among items found by Alan and Clinton in their auction wins.
Episode 8
An old penny arcade game and a shotgun that is more than one hundred years old are among the items Allen and Clinton find in units they win at auction.