Episode 1
We get close to the Danish MC club Comanches when prominent gang members come forward and talk about what loyalty and brotherhood mean to them.
Episode 2
Comanches member Daniel Poulsen was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2011 for two attempted murders. Now he tells his story for the first time.
Episode 3
The street gang VHK is admitted into Satudarah. Nadim Khan can now put on the presidential vest, but the police are monitoring them from the start.
Episode 4
A mass brawl on a winter evening in 2014 becomes the start of six days of brutal war between Satudarah and members of the Hells Angels and AK81.
Episode 5
The remains of 25-year-old Satudarah rocker Kevin Joel Andersen turn up in a suitcase. He has been stabbed to death and then dismembered.
Episode 6
Radio host Nedim Yasar is brutally liquidated in 2018 when Satudarah rocker Alexander Findanis shoots Nedim in the head.
Episode 7
Satudarah has taken over power in the Danish underworld. Nadim Khan has been given the title of 'kapikane' and he ascends to a new level of Satudarah.
Episode 8
Satudarah starts anew under the name Comanches MC in Denmark. But old animosities linger and there are a series of attacks on Comanches members.