Episode 1
A vengeful daughter makes it her mission to repay het father's betrayal. She infiltrate's the shady world of VIP security to face a man who is hardened by political enemies.
Episode 2
Ndoni's investigation seems to have reached a dead end, but a crucial discovery changes everything. Uhuru gets told to suck it up and do what he needs to do.
Episode 3
Ndoni vows to avenge her father, while Madlopa and Lufuno do their best to help. Khaya deals with Enoch's assailant. Uhuru shows his true colors.
Episode 4
Ndoni seeks answers from her father's lost diary while Khaya struggles to mediate between General and Enoch. Nosipho makes a bold move regarding her future with Uhuru.
Episode 5
Ndoni discovers a link to her father's past. Khaya tries to get Enoch and General to behave at dinner. Nosipho gets isolated by a flock of fake friends.
Episode 6
Ndoni discovers a new clue in her father's diary.
Episode 7
A big break in her investigation forces Ndoni to consider her course. General seeks to destroy Enoch once and for all. Love is on the line as Blaza makes an impassioned plea.
Episode 8
Tension rises as Ndoni takes matters into her own hands. General and Khaya receive a devastating blow. Trash music leads to Mkhonto's humiliation.
Episode 9
Secrets prove life-threatening, and Ndoni makes a drastic decision. General aims at Khaya. Nosipho gets more evidence of Uhuru's apathy.
Episode 10
Ndoni uses extreme tactics to extract information. Khaya give Uhuru a lesson. General tells his son that he has family responsibilities to live up to.
Episode 11
Ndoni grapples with a difficult moral choice and comes to a dark decision. Nosipho takes charge to protect her interest. Mkhonto has a tantrum over his right to show of his talent.
Episode 12
Khaya does what he can to dissuade Enoch from taking drastic actions. Nosipho decides to tough it out with Uhuru by her side. Ndoni is resolute in her choice to cause the utmost pain.
Episode 13
Ndoni get's another opportunity to exact revenge as a tragic shooting rocks the world of MPS.
Episode 14
Ndoni and Thobani are on a collision course. Khaya does his best to escape danger. Vutha and Sbamu try to save their jobs. Death reigns supreme.
Episode 15
The aftermath of a tragic loss leaves the Bhodoza house crumbling. General scrambles to find out the truth. A funeral leaves Ndoni lost and without a goal.
Episode 16
Ndoni seeks solace from Jabulani. Mkhonto refuses to believe the events of the past few days. Masasa arrives and makes a shocking discovery.
Episode 17
Khaya's past is put on display as Masasa recalls the events of more than 30 years ago.
Episode 18
General pressures Uhuru to seize power from MPS. Mkhonto attempts something similar, taking responsibility as best he can. Masasa's son, Senzele, seeks the truth.
Episode 19
Senzele's true parentage is revealed. Ndoni finally confides in her mother. The future of MPS's leadership is in question as Khaya's will is read.
Episode 20
Thobani and Mkhonto clash as the young pseudo-CEO does not understand the nature of leadership. Enoch is put under pressure by the public. Jabulani confesses.
Episode 21
Jabulani is hurt when Ndoni leaves unexpectedly. Masasa and her partner fight over Masasa's house guest. Uhuru is given more responsibilities.
Episode 22
Panic erupts as confidence in MPS is dwelling. A new client allows Ndoni to show her potential. Mzoxolo decides to prioritize himself over his relationship.
Episode 23
Senzele's father gets the blame for disrupting Masasa's life. Nosipho supports Uhuru over General's impact on their marriage. Ndoni makes a disturbing dicovery regarding MPS's newest client.
Episode 24
Ndoni investigates the pastor - against MPS's instructions. Senzele learns about his siblings and his father's legacy. The pastor retaliates against MPS and Ndoni.
Episode 25
Ndoni's persistence has grave consequences. Masasa is adamant that Senzele will not get involved in his father's business. The ownership of MPS is once again up in the air.
Episode 26
Ndoni has to redeem herself for losing MPS a client. Senzele refuses his father's request to take over MPS. Ndoni's moral efforts are finally rewarded.
Episode 27
Senzele arrives in Joburg, shaking up the leadership of MPS, but danger lurks around every corner. Ndoni is given more responsibilities.
Episode 28
Winnie suffers the humiliation of the truth of Senzele's existence. Ndoni offers her support to Senzele, who proves skilled at navigating this dangerous world.
Episode 29
Zenzele soaks up the unyielding power that comes with running MPS. Mkhonto ignores his mother's wishes to stay away from his new sibling.
Episode 30
Zenzele's honesty about his father reminds Ndoni of her love for MPS and Bonga. Winnie spirals with a drastic request for Enoch. Thobani urges Zenzele to see MPS for what it is.
Episode 31
Khaya invokes the next phase of his plan by setting Zenzele's eyes on Enoch. Madlopa warns Ndoni about believing anything Zenzele says, but she isn't sure who to trust.
Episode 32
Zenzele finally learns how far his enemies will go to destroy him. Mkhonto and Nosipho attempts a new peace offering for their mother. Jabulani shoves new boundaries between him and Ndoni.
Episode 33
Mkhonto has an epiphany of what his fresh, new life at MPS could be like. Ndoni decides the only way to find the truth behind Zenzele is to keep him close secretly.
Episode 34
Thobani blames what happened to Zenzele on Ndoni's reckless decisions. The weight of staying in Johannesburg melts Zenzele's stubborn resolve. Winnie's greatest fear comes alive.
Episode 35
Khaya reaffirms Zenzele's dangerous suspicions towards General. Jabulani accidentally spills the secret behind the Alpha Team's deadly power, and Mkhonto takes it to heart.
Episode 36
Ndoni struggles to understand why Zenzele reassigned her to a new client. Mkhonto takes extreme measures to prove he has what it takes to make it at MPS.
Episode 37
Zenzele gets information that changes the way he sees his father. Ndoni and Dora celebrate Bonga's memory and birthday. Striker learns the dangerous source behind Mkhonto's new energy.
Episode 38
Ndoni stops the worst from happening to her client and later finds out her colleagues want little to do with her. Zenzele gets ready to use the bomb of information he's found against General.
Episode 39
Ndoni faces another suspension and turns to an old friend to distract her. Zenzele takes bigger strides in being the boss and secures interesting information from Enoch.
Episode 40
The Bhodoza family forces Winnie to accept Zenzele for the day. Ndoni spends the day with Dora.
Episode 41
Zenzele finds out the truth behind his assassination attempt and confides in Ndoni. Masasa avoids Khaya like the plague, annoyed with herself for being so weak.
Episode 42
The fight for the deputy president intensifies as General tries to reclaim his position. Khaya gets kicked out of the house by Masasa.
Episode 43
Thanks to Zenzele's influence, Ndoni's suspension is lifted. However, Ndoni wants to keep their budding romance a secret and away from MPS ears.
Episode 44
Ndoni is finally reassigned back to Amahle and vows to keep her safe, which proves harder than expected when the little girl gets kidnapped. Winnie and Striker get to know each other.
Episode 45
Ndoni and Senzele face serious difficulties. General admits he was wrong to Thobani, who is not receptive. Uhuru finally catches a break.
Episode 46
Ndoni numbs herself to the people around her following her outburst with Zenzele, who tries his best to get her to open up. General tries picking up the pieces following his dismissal at the NIA.
Episode 47
Walls are closing in on Khaya. Mkhonto is happy to have Uhuru move in.
Episode 48
Ndoni confesses the truth about her past and medication to Zenzele. Thobani finds himself in deep water when General turns on him. Uhuru and Nosipho finds themselves chased by journalists.
Episode 49
As Ndoni lets down her walls with Zenzele, she starts to feel like he might be skillfully hunting the hunter. General tries to apologize to Thobani.
Episode 50
Ndoni tells Zenzele about her father's death and her suspicion that Khaya was behind it. Mzoxolo arrives at MPS and figures out who Khaya really is. Mkhonto tries to get rid of Striker.
Episode 51
Madlopa warns Ndoni about offloading her suspicious nature onto Zenzele. Set on catching Zenzele doing something bad, Thobani and General stumble upon a conversation about Khaya.
Episode 52
Ndoni has a bad feeling when she arrives in Kokstad to confront Khaya. Masasa and Mzoxolo's lobola negotiations go off without a hitch. Zenzele is alerted about the General's impending doom.