Episode 1
After a terrible day of bad luck, Phugun has a late night visitor, Cirrus, who claims he is from an alternate universe where the two of them have been dating since high school.
Episode 2
Cirrus continues to find ways to show Phu how much he knows about him to prove his claim he is from another universe. Phu begins taking some responsibility for Cirrus' care after accompanying him to the hospital to remove his stitches.
Episode 3
Cirrus begins having vivid dreams of his life with Phu that he once knew. Struggling to be without his partner, Phu offers to be his replacement until Cirrus can return home.
Episode 4
Phu falls ill while Cirrus receives an unexpected invitation from his mother.
Episode 5
Cirrus helps Phukan recover from his fever and opens up about his soured relationship between him and his mother.
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10