Episode 1
Global temperatures are rising and so are we: millions of young people rise up to demand their right to a livable planet.
Episode 2
How screens affect our children's development, learning abilities and mental health.
Episode 3
Signs of life and hope emerge from the scorched landscapes of the worst wildlife disaster in modern history. of life and hope emerge from the scorched landscapes of the worst wildlife disaster in modern history.
Episode 4
3,711 passengers and crew. 14-day quarantine. 1 deadly infectious disease. Coronavirus aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
Episode 5
Uncovering the truth about the richest and most powerful woman in world history.
Episode 6
Canadians push the limits of cold endurance while baby harp seals brave icy water and flying squirrels cuddle.
Episode 7
Rain brings unexpected benefits for spadefoot toads, grizzlies, and whitewater kayakers - but too much can be deadly.
Episode 8
The invisible element that shapes our lives; falcons, butterflies and spiders hitch a ride, while Canadians harness, and harvest, the wind.
Episode 9
The driving force behind all weather, sunlight creates a banquet for blue whales, helps vultures soar, and is essential for training some extreme athletes.
Episode 10
Crews go to great lengths to get amazing shots of wildlife people and weather. Working with scientists is essential.
Episode 11
Neanderthals weren't brutish or dim-witted. New discoveries reveal they were more human than we ever thought!
Episode 12
Veteran polar bear guide Dennis Compayre goes on a remarkable journey into the world of a polar bear mom and her newborn cubs as they leave the safety of their den for the first time.
Episode 13
Veteran polar bear guide, Dennis Compayre watches as a mother bear teaches her young cubs to hunt and discovers how they are struggling to adapt to a rapidly warming Arctic.
Episode 14
A filmmaker explores one man’s quest to save a walrus, as the debate around marine mammal captivity evolves in Canada.