Kalli, a young boy living with his mother in the suburbs of Reykjavik, thrives in the world of movies and computer games. When he is sent to spend Christmas with his father's new family up north at an isolated farm, Kalli meets his stepsister, who he does not get along with. Soon he decides to run away, but only to be hit harder by reality and Kalli has to learn how to fight "real life" challenges while encountering imaginary and fictional creatures.
Bergþór Þorvaldsson
Þórdís Hulda Árnadóttir
Árni Beinteinn Árnason
Brynhildur Guðjónsdóttir
Erlendur Eiríksson
Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir
Steinn Ármann Magnússon
Bryndís Gunnlaugsdottír